Friday, February 14, 2014

happy valentine's day, honey...

Sixteen years ago, I said “I do” to the best husband in the world.  He has stuck by me, for better and for worse. 

The sweetest thing he has ever said to me is, “I’m not leaving.”  I ramble on a bit, on this blog, about the insecurities I have battled over the years.  What healing I have found, in the knowledge that he is here to stay.  What security for the little people...and not-so-little-anymore...people who call us “mama” and “daddy.”

He has put his time and energy into being the right husband, instead of trying to figure out whether he found the right wife.  (I think he did.  :)  )  He puts on the uniform and goes to work every day, to do a difficult job--so that his family has food, clothing, and shelter; and so that all the rest of you are safer out there.

He teaches his boys what it means to be a good man; and gives them an example to look up to.  He teaches his daughter what a good man should be, and how he should treat her; and I pray that she remembers that when she begins to date.

Because, at the end of the day, the most important thing is not to find the right person, but to be the right person.  And he is.

Though we both have our failings and shortcomings; though sometimes one or both of us are not what we should be, or what we want to be; in this too, the blood of Christ covers all. 

And, at the end of the day, after sixteen years, three kids, and some of the hard knocks that life sometimes brings,

happy valentine’s day, honey!


  1. Great post! It would do the rest of the country good to read it. This is what marriage used to be and still should be: being the right person and realizing that all of our shortcomings are covered by the blood of Christ. Thanks R!

  2. thank you for the kind words. And as always, if you have found good stuff here, please share the post or blog link. :)
