about me

Keeping hope alive in the midst of recurring depression...for some time i have been writing about life and things God is showing me through this journey; but have only shared for a very limited audience.  It is time to get over myself and my fears--at least, as best i can--and share this stuff even though it is not always easy to do so.  When things have been very dark, I have found God to be very near. In the midst of pain that can sometimes seem unbearable, there has always been a glimmer of hope...someday things will be brighter.  (Hence the title “whispering hope.”) As my grandma says, “all shall be well. Maybe it isn’t, right now; but all shall be well.”

If you have not visited my blog before, please start at the beginning with the post Depression 101.  I have taken much material from my journaling and it is somewhat chronologically ordered.  I have labeled some continuations with part 1, 2, etc., and i have tried to fill in details as I go along, for those readers who don't know me personally...or those who know me but had no idea what was happening at the time.  

And if you read nothing else, please read "Why Jesus?" parts 1 and 2.  This is the most important part of the message I want to give...our only hope is in Jesus, in His death and resurrection.  Only in Him do we have reason to hope, reason to keep going when all around us is dark.  Because this life, what we can see here "through a glass, darkly," this is not all there is! If you get nothing else from my writing, please look at Jesus and who He is.  Because ultimately, this story is not about me.  It is about Him and what He has done for me.

"No other religion, no other, promises new bodies, hearts, and minds.  Only in the gospel of Christ do hurting people find such incredible hope."
-Joni Eareckson Tada 

...my name...is it really Princess Brier Rose? Well, the daughters of a very dear friend of mine have been calling me Princess Rose for a long time....and I found it rather flattering. Definitely flattering enough to use here. I had to alter it a bit in my blog address because apparently there is another Princess Rose out there in blog land. Brier Rose is a reference to a book by Amy Carmichael titled “Rose from Brier,” a compilation of letters from--and compiled for--those who are suffering some pain or illness in their lives. And...wonder of wonders, God brings roses from briers, He really does...

And...another bit of wisdom from my friend Anne (who understands my deep desire to be invisible, and also the impracticality of such a wish) ..."get over yourself, honey!"  So, for those readers who do not know me, and want to put a face to a voice...here are a few pics of myself, my husband and my children.  Taken a few years ago, but i like to think hubby and i have not aged drastically since, although the kids have grown a lot, as you can probably see from the black and white picture taken more recently...  :)

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